Andrew Bell, Author at Green Party Real hope. Real change. Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:28:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Green reaction to government’s 81% emissions reduction target Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:23:14 +0000 Reacting to Keir Starmer’s public address at COP29 where he announced a new climate target for the UK to reduce the country’s emissions by 81% by 2035 against 1990 levels, Green MP Ellie Chowns said:  “The announcement of an 81% cut in emissions by 2035 is welcome – we need to remove fossil fuels from […]

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Reacting to Keir Starmer’s public address at COP29 where he announced a new climate target for the UK to reduce the country’s emissions by 81% by 2035 against 1990 levels, Green MP Ellie Chowns said: 

“The announcement of an 81% cut in emissions by 2035 is welcome – we need to remove fossil fuels from our economy as rapidly as possible.  

“However, the transition to clean energy needs to be matched by moves on energy reduction. We need a mass home insulation programme and large-scale investment in public transport and active travel. Instead, we have seen Labour downgrade the retrofitting of homes, fail to make solar panels on new builds mandatory, hike bus fares by 50% and offer only loose change for walking and cycling.  

“Keir Starmer says he will not tell people how to live their lives, but he can put in place policies to support us to make changes that reduce emissions, cut bills and improve our health and wellbeing. This must involve every government department being laser focused on achieving our climate targets.” 

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Green Council leaders call for funding boost in Budget Tue, 29 Oct 2024 15:57:45 +0000 Ahead of the Labour government’s first Budget on Wednesday, Green Party Council leaders are warning of the urgent need for proper funding for local councils and services, after many years of damaging austerity.   Local Government Association analysis shows that service spending in 2022/23 was 42.1% lower than it would have been had service spend moved […]

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Ahead of the Labour government’s first Budget on Wednesday, Green Party Council leaders are warning of the urgent need for proper funding for local councils and services, after many years of damaging austerity.  

Local Government Association analysis shows that service spending in 2022/23 was 42.1% lower than it would have been had service spend moved in line with cost and demand pressures since 2010/11. This means that councils have made £24.5 billion in service cuts and efficiencies over this period [1]. 

Local councils deliver a huge range of statutory services, from child protection to waste and recycling services and temporary accommodation. They are also uniquely placed for real action on achieving net zero and to protect and restore other services vital to health and wellbeing in the community such as sports, arts, leisure and green spaces.  

Tony Dyer, Green leader of Bristol City Council, said: 

“Local Government provides many of our most essential services, from social care, to education and affordable housing. After years of cuts, if we do not see a real terms increase in local government funding then these services will falter and our communities will suffer.

“We desperately need a boost to our funding to enable proper resourcing of core and statutory services, especially those creating the most pressure on council finances such as adult social care, children services such as SEND, and temporary accommodation provision.”  

Caroline Topping, Green leader of East Suffolk Council, said: 

“As Green Party leaders of local Councils, we welcome the new government’s manifesto commitment to multiyear funding settlements and an end to wasteful competitive bidding, which has stressed already overstretched officer capacity and council resources. Even successful bids have often come with strings attached and time scales that hamper delivery. We expect and look forward to a completely new relationship which puts council funding on a secure and sustainable footing.” 

Emily O’Brien, Cabinet Member for Climate, Nature and Food Systems on Green-led Lewes District Council, said: 

“Funding for council-led home insulation programmes is an example of the win-win that Councils can help deliver – cutting both carbon emissions and household energy bills. We have worked hard with neighbouring Councils to maximise insulation with the limited resources we have. National funding will immediately accelerate this and deliver savings and comfort to our tenants.”

Ellie Chowns, Green MP for North Herefordshire and former cabinet member for environment, economy and skills on Herefordshire Council, said:

“After so many years of austerity, local councils absolutely need the funding to deliver those basic services which everyone uses. Getting the basics right at local level is essential for the government to deliver on bigger national plans. Now is the time for a new government to set a new course for renewed investment in local public services.”


[1] Further funding cuts for councils would be disastrous; urgent funding and reform is needed | Local Government Association

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Greens welcome Renters’ Rights Bill but say it must go further on rent controls and ending ‘plague’ of cold, damp, mouldy homes Wed, 09 Oct 2024 11:37:25 +0000 Co-leader of the Green Party and MP for Bristol Central, Carla Denyer, will welcome the Renters’ Rights Bill in parliament later today, but will say it must go further in defending the rights of 11 million renters in the UK. Denyer said:   “This is a once in a generation opportunity to recognise the rights of […]

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Co-leader of the Green Party and MP for Bristol Central, Carla Denyer, will welcome the Renters’ Rights Bill in parliament later today, but will say it must go further in defending the rights of 11 million renters in the UK. Denyer said:  

“This is a once in a generation opportunity to recognise the rights of the 11 million people living in private rented housing to have a safe, decent and secure home. A chance to stop tenants being constantly uprooted and fleeced to pay for a roof over their heads.  

“In particular, we need a national system for rent controls with local flexibility aimed at bringing rents down relative to incomes.  

“We also need to tackle rented properties that are plagued with cold, damp or mould. We need to see a clear commitment to energy efficiency in the Bill to end the scandal of around 5 million renters living in such appalling conditions

“Such a Bill is long overdue. Greens hope it can be made even better and become truly transformative. Let’s make sure we use this opportunity to shift how we think about renting, moving away from viewing housing as assets, to prioritising and valuing the right to a stable home – in policy and practice.” 


Carla Denyer MP and Sian Berry MP are expected to speak in the debate on the Bill in the Commons.  

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Green Party reaction to fossil fuel lobbying for carbon capture and storage Mon, 07 Oct 2024 11:19:48 +0000 Commenting on reports that the £22bn in subsidies awarded to carbon capture and storage projects followed a sharp increase in lobbying by the fossil fuel industry, co-leader of the Green Party, Adiran Ramsay MP said: “Revelations that this £22 billion bung to carbon capture and storage followed extensive lobbying reveals that it is the government that […]

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Commenting on reports that the £22bn in subsidies awarded to carbon capture and storage projects followed a sharp increase in lobbying by the fossil fuel industry, co-leader of the Green Party, Adiran Ramsay MP said:

“Revelations that this £22 billion bung to carbon capture and storage followed extensive lobbying reveals that it is the government that has been truly captured here – by the fossil fuel industry.

“Labour ditched its pledge for £28bn investment in the transition to the green economy, yet they can stump up £22bn for an unproven technology which provides an excuse for fossil fuel companies to carry on polluting.

“This money would be far better spent investing in reducing energy demand through a mass home insulation programme, in green energy and upgrading the grid – and on real carbon capture through restoring woodlands, peatlands and wetlands at scale. 

“Throwing billions into such a black hole rather than into the green transition makes no sense at all.”

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Green Party demand de-escalation of dangerous and mounting conflict in Middle East Wed, 02 Oct 2024 10:12:30 +0000 Responding to the increasingly dangerous situation in the Middle East, Sian Berry MP said: “We are deeply alarmed at last night’s attacks on Israel and the invasion of Lebanon, all of which show a growing escalation of the conflict. We express our solidarity with civilians under attack everywhere, whether in Israel, Lebanon, Gaza or elsewhere […]

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Responding to the increasingly dangerous situation in the Middle East, Sian Berry MP said:

“We are deeply alarmed at last night’s attacks on Israel and the invasion of Lebanon, all of which show a growing escalation of the conflict. We express our solidarity with civilians under attack everywhere, whether in Israel, Lebanon, Gaza or elsewhere and demand that all sides de-escalate this dangerous and mounting conflict.

“The failure of the US, UK and others to address Israel’s impunity when breaching international law has made this escalation inevitable. Only by creating the incentives needed for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, prosecuting all actors who have perpetrated war crimes as charged by the ICC prosecutor and by seriously advancing the prospects of a Palestinian state can this dangerous situation be resolved.

“The diplomacy of phone calls and statements is not enough. The UK needs to consider much more direct measures including ending arms sales to oblige all parties immediately to cease military action. All those responsible for attacks on civilians, which is a war crime, must face accountability.”

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Green Party demands permanent bilateral ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon Tue, 01 Oct 2024 20:09:26 +0000 Commenting on the escalating situation in the Middle East and on the invasion of Lebanon by Israeli defence forces, Sian Berry, MP for Brighton Pavilion, said: “The invasion and attacks on Lebanon by Israel, causing the deaths of over a thousand people and displacement of a million others, are horrific and devastating. The Green Party […]

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Commenting on the escalating situation in the Middle East and on the invasion of Lebanon by Israeli defence forces, Sian Berry, MP for Brighton Pavilion, said:

“The invasion and attacks on Lebanon by Israel, causing the deaths of over a thousand people and displacement of a million others, are horrific and devastating. The Green Party demands a permanent bilateral ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, a full arms embargo on Israel, and the prosecution of all actors who have perpetrated war crimes as charged by the ICC Prosecutor.

“The international community has a moral and legal duty to hold all accountable – Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran – for their crimes in this escalating tragedy. There can be no excuse for the UK Government failing to uphold international law and to use any of the diplomatic levers it has available to bring about a ceasefire now.”

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Closure of Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station a vital test for government’s green transformation say Green Party Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:50:32 +0000 Commenting on the closure of the UK’s last coal-fired power station today, Green MP Carla Denyer said:   “The end of coal-fired energy generation is an important step on the long road to tackling the climate crisis.  “Thousands of people have been employed at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station over the half-century it has been working. It has […]

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Commenting on the closure of the UK’s last coal-fired power station today, Green MP Carla Denyer said:  

“The end of coal-fired energy generation is an important step on the long road to tackling the climate crisis. 

“Thousands of people have been employed at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station over the half-century it has been working. It has played an important role in the life of communities and the wider East Midlands economy. 

“This will be a vital test of how the government supports the green transformation of every sector of our economy – fast and fairly – to meet the needs of the environment and future generations. 

“Plans to clear the site and replace the power station with a zero-carbon energy and technology park must become a reality, offering well-paid, secure jobs.” 

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Green Party reaction to vote on winter fuel payments at Labour conference Wed, 25 Sep 2024 12:22:20 +0000 Reacting to a motion on winter fuel payments put forward by the Unite union and supported by a majority of delegates at Labour Party conference, co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said: “Today’s vote at Labour Party conference leaves Labour ministers out in the cold. There is a groundswell of support – from opposition […]

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Reacting to a motion on winter fuel payments put forward by the Unite union and supported by a majority of delegates at Labour Party conference, co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said:

“Today’s vote at Labour Party conference leaves Labour ministers out in the cold. There is a groundswell of support – from opposition parties, unions, many Labour MPs, health workers, disability groups, charities supporting pensioners, as well as others – for ensuring millions of pensioners keep warm this winter.

“Targeting some of the most vulnerable to fix the supposed black hole in the public finances is cruel and unnecessary.  

“There is another way. A fairer way. As the successful motion by Unite makes clear, taxing multi-millionaires and billionaires a little more would not only easily cover the cost of winter fuel payments for all pensioners but also generate additional funds for much needed investment in our health and social care services.”

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Green Party reaction to Labour response to Darzi review of NHS Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:41:12 +0000 Responding to Keir Starmer’s speech on Lord Darzi’s review of the state of the NHS, co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay MP, said:  “The Darzi review pulls no punches: the NHS has been harmed by austerity, capital starvation, the disastrous 2012 Health and Social Care Act and the dire state of social care.   “It […]

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Responding to Keir Starmer’s speech on Lord Darzi’s review of the state of the NHS, co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay MP, said: 

“The Darzi review pulls no punches: the NHS has been harmed by austerity, capital starvation, the disastrous 2012 Health and Social Care Act and the dire state of social care.  

“It is therefore hugely disappointing to see Labour, like a string of previous Conservative and Labour governments, hooked on reform rather than investment.  

“Starmer says there can be no money without reform. We say there can be no improvement to waiting times, cancer death rates, treatment for mental health – and many other struggling areas – without more money. 

“We agree that we cannot ask working people to foot the bill through higher taxes. But it is fair to ask the super-rich to pay a little more through wealth taxes. This could generate billions towards the investment the NHS is crying out for.  

“‘Reform’ has in the past been used as a stalking-horse for privatisation. The Green Party completely rejects privatisation and fragmentation of the NHS. Private companies are focused on creaming off profits which can result in degraded services and more people not getting the treatment they need from the NHS.  

 “We must avoid a two-tier health service where those who can afford to go private to get treated do, while those who can’t don’t. The NHS was designed to serve all free at the point of use and this must remain its core mission.” 

“We welcome a focus on helping our nation back to health. This can help heal our NHS. But again, improving public health will require investment in those things which lead to improved physical and mental health such as quality housing, good jobs, infrastructure for active travel and healthy food. Greens have always supported working to improve health rather than just treating sickness.” 

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Greens blast Labour on steel, calling for public ownership to secure green steel, jobs, and communities Wed, 11 Sep 2024 13:33:07 +0000 Reacting to the announcement by the UK government that it will grant Tata Steel £500m towards the cost of building a greener electric furnace in Port Talbot, but that around 2,800 workers are set to be made redundant, Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said:  “This is the first test of the new Labour government’s commitment […]

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Reacting to the announcement by the UK government that it will grant Tata Steel £500m towards the cost of building a greener electric furnace in Port Talbot, but that around 2,800 workers are set to be made redundant, Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said: 

“This is the first test of the new Labour government’s commitment to a just green transition that protects jobs and the environment – and it has been found wanting. 

“I’ve spoken with countless families around Port Talbot who have shared with me their distress and fears for the future, not just those directly employed but in the wider supply chain. 

“Labour promised a new approach during the General Election. It raised hopes across the steel industry – here in South Wales and in the North East of England – that the necessary and urgent move to cleaner production methods could be achieved without devastating communities. 

“We know only too well how mining communities suffered when successive Tory governments shut pits without plans in place for new jobs. Labour should have learnt those lessons. 

“The private companies are to get huge taxpayer subsidies without any guarantees that they will protect and create skilled, well-paid, secure jobs for the future. 

“The Green Party knows that can be achieved. Our steel communities need the long-term commitment and political will that this Labour government lacks. 

“By 2030, the European Union is expected to be home to nearly 50 green and low-carbon steel projects, facilitated by governments working together to deliver a planned strategy to move away from fossil fuels. 

“Yet, this new government shuns joining with partners across the EU in a green industrial revolution.  

“Transitioning to a green economy could create up to a million jobs. To achieve that, we need a government in Westminster and the Senedd that is willing to use its full powers – including bringing vital industries like steel into public ownership. 

“Today was Labour’s chance to show that it is prepared to lead. Sadly, it has fallen short.” 

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